Charles E. Ziegler


     The Greenwood Histories of the Modern Nations
     Frank W. Thackeray and John E. Findling, Series Editors
     Greenwood Press / Westport, Connecticut · London / 1999







Glossary of Selected Terms




Bolsheviks:           "Majority" faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, led by Vladimir Lenin.

                           Later became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union


boyars:                nobility of early Russia


Duma:                  Russian parliament 1905-1917 and 1993-present


Eurasianism:          worldview which stresses Russian distinctiveness from Europe


glasnost:              "publicity" or "openness"-- Gorbachev era liberalization of publishing and speech to provide more in-
                          formation to policy makers


Golden Horde:       powerful Mongol khanate, or principality, of thirteenth-fifteenth century, located between the Black
                          Sea and the Ural Mountains, to which Russia paid tribute


Gosplan:               Soviet State Planning Committee; organized the Soviet national economy


icons:                  religious paintings of Orthodox saints and the Holy Family, usually done in tempera on wood


Izvestiia:            official newspaper of the Soviet government


KGB:                  Committee for State Security--Soviet secret police


khanate:             Central Asian territory, ruled by a Mongol or Turkish khan


kolkhoz:              Soviet collective farm, in which peasants received a  portion of the farm's annual income


Komsomol:           Communist Youth League, to socialize youth ages 15-28 into communist values


kremlin:              walled stone fortress in the center of a city. Moscow's Kremlin houses government offices, churches, and


mafia:                Russian term for hundreds of criminal gangs that sprang up after the Soviet collapse that have close
                         links to business and government


Mensheviks:        "minority" faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, led by Pavel Martov


muzhik:               Russian peasant; also used as "a real man"


Narodniki:            nineteenth-century Russian populists who "went to the people"


Nomenklatura:      list of names held by Soviet Communist Party of individuals politically acceptable for appointment to
                         high positions


perestroika:         Mikhail Gorbachev's program of economic and political restructuring


Politburo:            political bureau of the Soviet Communist Party; high  est decision-making body of the Soviet era


Pravda:              official newspaper of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union


Presidium:           the Politburo was called the Presidium IN 1952-65        


Slavophiles:         nineteenth-century intellectuals who held up Russian culture as morally superior to West European culture


sovkhoz:             Soviet state farm, in which peasants were paid a salary


sovnarkozy:         regional economic councils, an attempt ( 1957-1965) by Khrushchev to decentralize economic management


soviet:               "council"--revolutionary era radical assembly of intellectuals, workers, and soldiers. Became the basis for
                          Soviet era government organizations


Sudebnik:             law codes of 1497 and 1550


ulozhenie:            a law code of 1649


veche:                town meeting of ancient Kievan Russia


Westernizers:        nineteenth-century intellectual movement that urged  Russians to adopt Western political and cultural



zemstvos:            local government organizations, 1864-1917


zhdanovshchina:    purge of all foreign influences in late Stalin period ( 1946-1948) led by Leningrad Party Secretary Andrei

                          Zhdanov. Anti-Western and anti-Semitic


CHARLES E. ZIEGLER is Professor and Chair of the Political Science Department at the University of Louisville. He is the author of Foreign Policy and East Asia ( 1993), Environmental Policy in the USSR ( 1987), and dozens of scholarly articles and book chapters.